Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Recent News

I am looking forward to seeing many of you at the Meeting of the Eagles tomorrow. The students have been practicing so hard and it's obvious. They are going to be FANTASTIC!

Last week we read The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. It is a wonderful story that tells about the life cycle of a flower. Our comprehension skill was finding facts. We learned that facts are true pieces of information about something. Using The Tiny Seed, as well as the books we read in our small reading groups, we practiced finding facts. We even put the facts we found on flowers that are now growing.. I mean hanging, outside our classroom. Since Eric Carle is such a great author and illustrator, we spent the week reading as many of his books as we could.

Last week we worked on distinguishing proper nouns from common nouns. We know that proper nouns are specific/special names for people, places, or things. We also worked on applying commas to our writing when we are listing something. For example: The colors of the flag are red, white, and blue. We did a fun activity using macaronis to make commas in our sentences. The macaroni sentences are hanging in our room and they look GREAT! Additionally, this week we began to talk about plural nouns. Plural nouns usually end in "s" or "es" but there are some exceptions. Be sure to ask your child about the spelling of plural nouns!

We took our Unit 3 Math Exam last Friday and finished it yesterday. I graded the tests and they should have gone home with your child today. Please review, sign, and return these tests as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your cooperation! In problem solving, we have started a new strategy: Make a Table. It is a difficult concept to grasp at first, but is a great strategy for students to apply to their problem solving.

Social Studies
We learned about Louis Braille, our second leader and achiever in our Biography Unit, during Social Studies yesterday. Students even got to create their own name in braille after we learned about Louis. Please ask them why they think he is a leader and achiever!

Today we performed "Arthur's Thanksgiving" in class. For only having two days to practice, they did a great job! See pictures below of their perfect performances. I feel SO lucky to have such kind, fun, and hard-working students. Thank you for sharing them with me! Happy Thanksgiving!! :o)

Pictures of my Super Students...

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