Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Just a Few Things

Some children began the GRADE with Mrs. Callahan today, and all other students will begin the GRADE tomorrow. We will take half of the test on Wednesday and the other half Thursday. Please reassure your child that all we ask is that they do the best they can; I don't want anyone worrying tonight! :o)

Math Unit 1 Tests
I received some tests back today. Please know the Individual Profile of Progress sheet and the Open Response Rubric (stapled together) are yours to keep. I need the actual test signed and returned.

We went over the test, as well as the the open response question yesterday. I showed your child what a "4" answer looks like. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions!

Other News...
In math today we played a great game called, "Beat the Calculator!" It is great for practicing math facts and the neat part is.. you can play at home! Please ask your child about this fun game.

Lastly.. tomorrow is an early release!! School will end at 12:15.

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