I can hardly believe October is coming to a close! As usual, we had a lot going on this week in second grade.
In Science, we finished our unit on matter. This week we talked about the third type of matter, gas. We learned that like liquids, gases take the shape of it's container. Gas does not have a shape and we usually don't see it. We did a little experiment with straws and zip lock bags to help us better understand the concepts. Students used the straw to blow into the zip lock bag and saw how their air (which is a gas) took the shape of the zip lock bag. We also learned that all types of matter are made up of smaller units called, "molecules." In solids, molecules are tightly packed together and do not move. In liquids, there aren't as many molecules and they move around slowly. In gas, there are the fewest molecules and they move around quickly. We did two activities to help us understand molecules. First, I said a type of matter and they had to pretend to be the molecules in that type of matter. They either clumped close together and stood still (if I said a solid), stayed close together and moved around slowly (if I said a liquid), or moved around quickly in the room (if I said a gas). Regardless, gas was by far the favorite! I wonder why... :o) We also did a neat art activity with cheerios. Be sure to ask your child about it! Below are pictures of the students pretending to be molecules...
In Math, we took our Unit 2 math test. The students did really well! Please sign and return your child's test at your earliest convenience. We will be starting Unit 3 this upcoming week.
In Reading, we focused on the theme of coming to America. The main selection we read this week was, My Name is Yoon. It was about a girl who came to America from Korea, and had trouble adjusting at first. Eventually, once she became settled she loved her new life. While reading the main selection, as well as in our small reading groups, we focused on the skill of making predictions. We know that when you make predictions, you make guesses about what you think is going to happen. We also know it is okay if our prediction is not correct.
In Grammar, we looked at sentences that had different subjects but similar predicates. We practiced combining sentences to make one sentence. For example: Ms. Winters loves teaching. Mrs. Callahan loves teaching. We would notice both predicates say "loves teaching" so we would combine the sentences to say, "Ms. Winters and Mrs. Callahan love teaching."
In Writing, we talked about organization in our stories. Stories need to be in sequencial order so that they make sense. We began to touch on how stories need to have "bold beginnings." A "bold beginning" hooks the reader and makes them want to keep reading. We will be working more on bold beginnings next week!
Last but not least, we had a GREAT time at our Fall Harvest. A big thank you to Mrs. Weatherhead, Mrs. Krattenmaker, Mrs. Sward, Mrs. Joy, Mrs. Thomas, and Mrs. Davies for coming in and helping us. Thank you to Mrs. Weatherhead for the delicious treats!
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