Monday, September 12, 2011

First Monday

Library/ Book Fair
It's hard to believe that we just had our first Monday at Elmwood! Today was a very exciting day because we got to visit the library to take out books and we got to visit the Book Fair! Each student was able to take out up to two books, and they will be able to exchange those two books for two new books next Monday. In addition, we visited the Book Fair. If your child did not have money, or did not have enough money, they were able to fill out a book "wish list." They can either bring in money with them tomorrow or Wednesday, or they can give you their wish list and you can purchase books on Curriculum Night.

Rainbow Words
Since there were no written directions on the homework (I explained it before school ended), I wanted to inform you of the homework directions. Your child is to write each spelling work in pencil, and then trace over their words three different times with three different colors. The purpose of this assignment is to reinforce your child's spelling skills, and to have fun while studying!

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