Today was another great day in Room 16. I was really impressed with how well the students did with our morning routine. With some guidance, they came right in, hung up their backpacks, handed in paperwork, and got to work on our Before School Work. We did another great getting to know you activity today called, "When The North Wind Blows." The children LOVED it! In addition, we did a class scavenger hunt, which you will find in your child's take-home folder. We also had an all school fire drill. Since we had practiced yesterday, the students knew exactly what to do and exited the school calmly and quietly. Way to go, Room 16!
Next week we will begin to discuss our hopes and dreams for second grade. Once we've established our hopes and dreams, we will be able to generate a list of classroom rules that we will follow so that we can attain our hopes and dreams. I am looking forward to discussing your child's goals for the year with them!
Have a great long weekend! :o)
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